You've seen What We're Not Writing... Now, whether you're a WGA member or a sympathizer with too much free time, let The Man know what you're not writing during the strike. E-mail us at, and we'll post it here:

"Keepin' It Zipped!"

This PG-rated feature provides the antidote to the raunchy sex comedies Hollywood markets to our impressionable youth. The film follows the three most attractive, promiscuous, and spiritually bankrupt graduates of Rancho Pacifico High--and their sidekick Pudge--as summer ends and the temptations of college life lie just around the corner. After a particularly dissatisfying night of (offscreen) debauchery, the boys realize they have just 48 hours to find the perfect prayer group, sign an abstinence pledge, and reclaim their virginity before the fall semester begins. (Parental warning: some viewers may be offended by the character of Pudge, who utters several mild oaths, and is Jewish.)

...not written by J.R. Romanko

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